Located in Niles, Ohio
Located in Niles, Ohio
Counseling and Empowerment Center of Greater Pittsburgh LLC. and our “Raise the Bar” Suite of Solutions™ are consistent with the NASW Code of Ethics, HIPAA requirements and confidentiality.
We all experience some hurt, pain, loss, change and challenging times in this journey. These feelings are inevitable, change is inevitable. How we respond will determine our degree of happiness and freedom. How much we embrace change will also equate into a happy or unhappy life. Join us in this journey, there are practical real life solutions to living free and happy.
At CEC, our mission is to guide you by applying evidence based and practical real-life solutions to achieve positive outcomes. CEC therapists will guide you through a journey of understanding, healing, and greater freedom - in essence tapping into your inner knowingness.
CEC provides a full range of counseling services for Individuals (teens and adults), Couples, Families, Professional Athletes, HS and College Athletes, Students, Physicians and Other Medical Specialists, Veterans, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Church and Corporate Organizations.
I'm healing myself, I'm loving me, I'm supporting me, I'm showing up for me, I'm defending me, I'm committed to experiencing a better version of me... Empowerment happens every day to those who genuinely seek it and put forth the effort. Are you ready? If yes... lets get busy.